Saturday 15 November 2008


Have you ever considered how utterly rediculous the whole religious setup is, that we have been exposed to for most of our lives. I mean religion in the wide sense, whether you are a religious Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Shintoist, Atheist, Satanist. Its all the same. All of them have certain rules that are simply compulsory and of which no deviation is tolerated. It makes idiots of men, and makes them to perform certain rites and rituals again and again without any effect or progress. All of them has unfounded thought, and no way to prove it. All of them function with fear, and apart from the occasional chastisement, the ultimate sanction of non compliance with all of them occurs after death, and it's not a pretty sight.

Everybody trapped in this paradigm is therefore too scared to take the chance of disbelieving what they are forced to accept,and is woven into a tapestry of culture and tradition without choice, and without any benefit.

From birth one is forced to subscribe to certain views, and punished if one doesn't. If one questions anything, it is regarded as heresy and sacriledge, and if one passively submits to the whole rig marole one is regarded as a good boy, even as a person of faith. It looks so noble from the outside, but all those efforts is powerless to change the storm boiling on the inside. Nothing that we had been taught throughout the history of this religious dictatorship had ever amounted to anything but utter disappointment.

If a movie is disappointing, the first few fellows who were unlucky enough to have to sit through it would write a review and spread the news. No one else would go and see it, because no one likes to be disappointed. If a car for instance would be a disappointment on the whole, no one would buy it. It would be mocked and sneered at.

The question then arises: how on earth is it possible then, for millions upon millions of people to submit for thousands of years to unfounded religious rites, rules and regulations, that never ever proves anything nor amounts to anything? Religion therefore is this never ending cycle of outward acts, which is powerless to save and which destroys countless lives, and is perpetually kept on going by those who are deceived enough to subscribe to its philosophies. Religion is a fiction created in the mind of man to give purpose to a seemingly purposeless life. A fictitious philosophy, an arbitrary train of thought to keep one busy and to give one a sense of achievement, which is always only recognised by man. This fictitious philosophy has a fictitious higher being that is invisible, never says thank you, or anything else for that matter, and never commends anyone who does back brakingly hard work to fulfill all the demands of its laws and rituals, and most of all, never pays up! This presupposed higher being filled with wrath and judgment would supposedly simply beat you to a pulp if you do wrong things. "He" would for instance send you cancer to build your character, and bring trials and temptations into our life to test you and see whether you have in fact learned anything. Yet this being is invisible, and supposedly only speaks through religious leaders and supposedly inspired scriptures. The thing is; people who don't subscribe also get cancer, and medical science has started to single out some causes of it. Cancer is not the root of bitterness in the soul as some would like to believe, neither is it caused by an individual's personal sinfulness, but it is an uncontroled growth of cells, that can spread throughout vital organs and which causes pain and in a lot of cases death.

How do we know that all the scriptures of the different religions are indeed written by devine inspiration and not demonical possession? What guarantee do we really have that Mohammed was a prophet, and that Buddha really experienced peace? How does one choose? Millions try to reach that state of Moksha or Utopia or Heaven, or Holiness. It gives them a sense of purpose. Having to spend time to chase something somehow makes this random existence on earth worth while. But they never get there, do they? It's like a donkey chasing a carrot hung from a stick in front of its face. As long as the donkey looks at the carrot, it has an unrealizable incentive to move into a certain direction, dictated by the direction in which the carrot is held. It sounds so noble, but as the donkey moves, so does the carrot. The donkey is thus mobilised for the gain of another. Its mind is pacified, and Its energy and life is utilized by another.

People are blinded by the fear of unwarrented sanction. They are blinded by their belief that their people and their culture is in some way better than others. Religion is in my mind not something to aspire to, because all things outflowing from religion ends in disaster and death.

How then is the truth distinguished from the lie and the downright pityful?

I am a Christian, and I boldly proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is however, not just another circus of religion as I was made to believe in my youth, but it is in fact the most extraordinary and real experience there is. Christian religion killed millions of people by spear, and also by doctrine. But Christianity is not religion at all. Unlike Islam and Buddhism, the whole point of the Gospel is that one turns away from one's own desire to please a higher being, and simply believe that the Loving God has made restitution for us humans in the body of His Son, paying the price Himself and ending this madness by His own hand. To top that, the reward of the Gospel is not only found in the after-life, or after death, but in your living material body. This reward is instantly given by grace and is a free gift. Thus it can be proven, unlike religion, where you simply have to take the priest's word for it. Since I believed, and met the person Jesus Christ, I have personally laid hands on hundreds of people, as He has commanded, and they were healed. Blinds eyes and deaf ears have been healed. I think that falls in the category of reality, and proof.

Christianity is a supernatural experience of the person Christ, through grace, by believing the preached Word of the Crucified Christ, and receiving the Life that He gives freely by faith. The real God is not filled with wrath, but love. All wrath against sin was poured out on Jesus Christ when He died on the cross almost 2000 years ago. He is full of love. He only has forgiveness toward you, and wants to save you.

This is a wonderful experience, one which can not be replaced by trying to be better, and trying to please a higher power that always seem to elude you. Let me present the Gospel in simplicity and power to you: Jesus Christ died for you. All your sins are forgiven.
Turn away from yourself, and your own efforts, to His love, and receive His forgiveness. There is no sacrifice to be brought. Turn away from the idol in your heart which is your law, with which you have judged yourself and others. Turn to His love. He is faithfull and true. He will change your life this day. Simply believe that you are forgiven, as opposed to trying to achieve forgiveness.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

If one doesn't believe, one retains one's own laws unto judgment. Your own law and unbelief is judging you, not God.

3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light (Jesus) is come into the world, and men loved darkness (religion) rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
3:20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
3:21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

These deeds are signs, wonders and miracles, done with the power of the Holy Spirit in us, which brings glory to the Father, and proves that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and has died for the sins of the whole world.

If you want to see miracles happen, contact me at and make an appointment. I will take you to sick people and demonstrate the love of God. If you live far away, you can go to They have a lot of documented miracles.

I pray that the Love of God will expose the stupidity of religion in your life, and that He will enlighten the eyes of your hearts, so that you can see the Truth of Jesus Christ.

Bless you


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