Thursday 8 July 2010

Live and let live

We as Christians have so much to give. If what we believe is true, why is it that the earth hasn't been saved in over two thousand years time? I personally think that most of our lethargic lackadaisical existence comes from fear of what we profess not to believe in, and a lack of action in what we do believe in. When asked the question if we believe in God's healing power, most will react and say: yes we believe that God heals the sick. Yet very few people put their actions with what their creed says and lay their hands on the sick for the fear of it not happening. It is the same with other things in life. We are used to fulfilling the identity of victim, and not victor. We stand and watch how our lives and dreams are plundered and destroyed, and do nothing, because we are victims, and someone needs to come and save us from the outside. We are used to blaming, in stead of realising what we have been given, and changing the world with what we do have to give to others. We believe that Jesus Christ came to save the world from sin and death, but we live as though the end is upon us and as if we are defeated without recourse. Why are we living with a victim mentality if salvation has already come? If I were on a sinking ship, I would have reason to cry out for help. If I were then resqued from the ship and placed on safe land, I would rejoice in my salvation, and carry on living my life. Most people live a shipwreck-christianity. We constantly call for salvation, never receiving it and acting on it to maybe save others. Yes we're not perfect yet, and Jesus is saving us daily from sin's dominion, but initially we were saved. If I were saved from certain death, I would certainly rejoice, and speak to others about it, especially of that would bring salvation to them too.

I am very simpathetic to people who have lost much in whealth and loved ones, but when will we stand up and start smiling, living our lives, in stead of constantly looking for reasons why we can't? Are we defining our identities by all the bad things that has happened, or are we rising up from it and living lives inspired by what we actually could experience?
I think its about time we got over ourselves and start taking back what is ours. We have been given the Holy Spirit, of Whom it is written that all things were created through Him, and to Whom all things are possible. Can we please realise now that we are saved, and that there might be others who need what we already have? We constantly ask God to keep giving us what He already has. We ask Him to do what He already did. We even try to do what He already did. We are distracted with sin and morals, trying to overcome our evil tendencies with our behaviour modification programmes. If we are justified by His grace; if we are saved by grace, when will we start giving this grace to others?

I am not being negative, quite the contrary. My aim is to make people conscious of what is inside them, so they can stop being afraid of what happens around them, and change the reality of the world, through the treasures they carry inside them. We have the Holy Spirit. We have His power. We have His grace. We have His love. We have His healing light. We have His mercy. Rom 5:17 says that those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness will rule as kings in life. Rule over what? The suffering of people: sin and death. Just this morning I went to a clinic in one of the poorest areas in the city I live in. About 50 people experienced some sort of change, be it pain that genuinely left, or just emotional change because someone simply cared about them. 10 years ago I was depressed. Now I bring hope to others. In between I realised I was saved.

We feel unfulfilled, because we are so misdirected in our thinking. We think its about us, when the One Who is in us is desperately trying to help those in need. The only reason we are so sad, is because we are bored to the point of insanity with our own shortcomings, and desperately need any distractions. People sin, because they don't realise the whealth of the treasure God put inside them. So something happened to you. Okay, fine. Receive grace, receive help from God, and get on with it. You can't go around expecting everyone to keep on swooning around you for all eternity because you got hurt 15 years ago. If you play the role of victim, you will victimise others for the rest of your life. The oppressed will become the oppressor. Realise that the victory is won and that you are made new in Christ, more than a conqueror through Him, and then get out there and destroy the works of darkness in the lives of others. Our destiny is to BE the help God extends to others, and not to overcome our own selfish sins and woeful characters. You are the answer to their prayers. Where do you see yourself? In Christ the Victor? Or in natural man, the victim of a defeated ruler? The more we go out and be Christ to the people, with that I mean carriers of the Holy Spirit (anointing-Christ), ministering Him to them, the more we will realise that we are not bound, weak, and defenseless, but strong, overcoming and victorious in Him. Don't change yourself before you go. Believe, go, and realise that you already are what you desired to become.

I will close with this thaught: One day I prayed. I asked Jesus to help me with something (as in: I am here, He is there, and He must now come to where I am and help me). I started to pray in the Spirit (in tongues) as I was accustomed to do. Then God spoke so clearly while I prayed through His Spirit. He said: "This is me helping you."

I realised how he helps me. He lives in me, and prays through me when I pray, works through me when I go and minister. He helps us from the inside, not the outside. He doesn't do it FOR you. He does it THROUGH you and IN you. Its still Him doing it, but you are involved. Don't sit and wait for things to happen from the outside. Go and change the world. Go and give God the opportunity to do things on the earth through your body, yielded to His Holy Spirit.

Its all about relationship with Him, not about how perfect you can live. Your morality won't change the world. Your faith will.

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